Magnolia ‘Fairy Blush’ Pink AKA Michelia doltsopa ‘Fairy Blush’

Throw out your preconceived ideas about magnolias. Fairy Magnolias are an exciting new hybrid from Anthony Tessalaar. They form a dense bushy evergreen shrub that cloaks herself in fragrant soft pink flowers in spring with sporadic rebloom. Incredibly floriferous; the flower buds open at almost every leaf axil. Interesting in and out of bloom.

Fairy magnolias have cute fuzzy brown flower buds that develop late autumn opening in spring. They can also decorate themselves in red seedpods with bright red seeds. Such a cool plant! Fairy Magnolias provide quick growing privacy hedges or windbreaks. They look stunning planted in groups of 3 or more. Incredibly versatile… they can be limbed up as a small specimen tree or allowed to take on a bushy habit. Ht 9-12’ W 5-7’ Zones 7b-10.

How to make a hedge with Fairy Magnolias:

Place 3 ft apart to form a dense hedge or row. Trim the top and sides to produce the hedge height and width you are looking for. Happy with regular water until established then an occasional drink during dry spells. zones 7b-10.

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