Teucrium chamaedrys AKA ‘Wall germander’

Germander is a low growing evergreen shrublet with deer resistant aromatic foliage. Summer brings whorls of tubular, 2 lipped, rosy-purple flowers. Just in time for a pollinator party! Extremely useful as edging , massed for a small scale groundcover or as a low clipped hedge. Drought tolerant once established, but looks best with some supplemental summer water. Trim back after flowering to shape and maintain a tidy form. Hardy in zones 5-9, but needs well- drained soil and plenty of sun to survive. 1-2’ tall x 3’ wide.

Herbal Uses and Warnings:

Teucrium(Germander) is in the mint family and has a long history of medicinal use for tummy aches, respiratory issues, inflammation and gout. It was even marketed as capsules in Europe for weight-loss. Sadly… it has been linked to glutathione depletion and serious liver issues with internal use and has been pulled from the shelves in most countries. I would steer clear and just enjoy it as a sweet easy-care, garden addition. In the case of liver issues associated with germander; N- Acetyl Cysteine and lipospheric Glutathione may be of use. The aromatic foliage is useful externally as an astringent and anti-inflammatory poultice for bleeding gums. Disclaimer: none of this should be construed as medical advice. Talk to your Doctor!


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