Viola pedata ‘Eco Artist Palette’( Birds Foot Violet)

Fabulous selection of the native Birds Foot Violet. Forms a tiny treasure 3”x 3” of evergreen , ferny leaves topped in spring with the most unusual bicolored flowers that resemble pansies. Viola ‘Eco Artist Palette’ has 2 purple upper petals and 3 near white lower ones with tiny streaks of violet that looks as if the fairies airbrushed them. Unlike many Violets this one doesn’t stray and is very garden worthy. You can feel comfortable about adding this violet as there is very little to no reseeding. The Lilliputian size makes it a natural choice for a fairy or gnome garden, rock garden or positioned where you can appreciate it’s subtle sweetness. Likes sun and can handle drought. Both the leaves and flowers are edible. Impress your friends by decorating a cake with the edible flowers. Flowers can be candied or used to make a tincture, steeped in vinegar, water or a honey infusion. They are most useful as an addition to a cough formula. Violets are steeped in magic myth and folklore. Violets are said to open up the veil between dimensions to allow us to hear and see the fairies dancing at midnight. Hardy perennial zones 4-8.

If you’re interested in learning more magic and folklore of violets and hundreds of other plants, try the classic voluminous book  ‘A Modern Herbal’ by Mrs. Maude  Grieve


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