Calycanthus ‘Aphrodite’

Large fragrant deep red flowers that resemble magnolia blossoms decorate this shrub all summer, set against glossy green foliage.  Blooming on both old and new wood takes the guesswork out of pruning. Can handle full sun, but is one of the few things to bloom prolifically in semi- shady areas.  Deer tend to turn up their noses, but the pollinators love it. Aphrodite is a large plant, perfectly suited as a screening plant for nosy neighbors or back of the border to create a lush flowering backdrop. Try using her as a large shrub to create a wall for an instant secret garden room.  Magnificent at the edge of a woodland border. Luscious7 green foliage turns a buttery yellow in fall for another season of interest. Deciduous.  Ht 5’-8’ W 5-6’  Zone 5-9


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