Foeniculum vulgare Bronze Fennel

Stunning edible ornamental that can be used as a backdrop in a perennial garden or mixed border. Design possibilities abound. Hardy Bronze fennel pops up in spring ,quickly soaring to 5 or more feet creating an airy cloud of smoky bronze and green foliage. Large umbels of yellow nectar rich flowers shoot up on tall stalks, attracting butterflies and pollinators. The flowers transition to edible fennel seeds. Ornamentally, it looks best when the flowering stalks are cut to the base of the plant, which also prevents self-seeding. It is a prolific self-seeder. If you want to collect seeds, you could put a paper bag on them and allow them to ripen. Bronze Fennel is an important host plant for Swallowtail butterflies and their caterpillars.

USES: Unlike other fennel varieties, this one has a taproot and is a hardy perennial. Bronze fennel has a long history of culinary use. The leaves, stalks and seeds are used rather than the bulb. You can use the leaves in salads, soups, coleslaw, sauces, dressings or as a garnish. The stalks can be grilled, roasted or added to soups. The seeds are carminative and are sometimes chewed after a heavy meal to aid digestion and freshen breath. They are used to flavor sausages or baked into breads. Fennel seed cordials are popular throughout Europe as a digestive aid.

To harvest seeds: Watch as the seeds transition from green to brown, and then cut the whole head. and place the whole head in a brown paper bag to allow it to finish ripening.. When the seeds are ripe, they will easily shake loose from the head. Store in a dry airtight jar out of light.

Care: Bronze fennel isn’t fussy and is quite drought tolerant, but looks its lacy best in nice soil with an occasional drink during dry spells. It’s happiest in full sun, but will also grow in part sun. Perennial. deciduous. Hardy Zones 5-11


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