Romneya coulteri (California Tree Poppy) (Matilija poppy) (Fried Egg Plant)

Gorgeous snow white crinkly crape paper flowers with yellow centers spring into summer. Excellent large scale Xeriscaping plant to help stabilize hillsides or for that hell-strip that never gets any water. 6’-8’ tall and wide with a bushy form. Underground rhizomes can creep up to 20 feet from the original plant, and if not controlled can become invasive. Bamboo fabric? Resents transplanting, so be sure before you plant. Popular California native that’s perfectly happy in our Pacific NW summer dry climate. Low to no summer water. Needs well drained soil. Zone 8-10 deer resistant perennial. Bee and butterfly magnet. TAG: Gorgeous white crinkly crape paper flowers w/ yellow centers, spring-summer. Large scale Xeriscaping plant to stabilize hillsides or for that hell-strip that never gets any water. 6’-8’ tall and wide with a bushy form. Keep contained! Low water. Perennial zone 8-10


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