Goji Big Black (Lycium ruthenicum)

I’m delighted to offer you Black Goji berry plants. Black Goji berries contain all the antioxidant and nutritional benefits of red goji berries, but also contain huge amounts of proanthocyanins, OPC’s and Resveratrol. These water soluble purple pigments are powerful health allies. These purple plant pigments act as antioxidants. Many studies substantiate claims that OPC’s benefit heart, vision, and brain health. They help to combat the effects of aging by protecting the body from free radical attack.

All Goji berries have a high concentration of protein which is unusual in fruit. They are loaded with key essential nutrients and are low on the glycemic scale. Goji berries are one of the only foods on earth found to contain every amino acid working synergistically together. It also contains carotenoids, Vit B1, Vit B2, Vitamin C iron, zinc polysaccharides, selenium, lutein, zeaxanthin, betaine and nicotinic acid.

Black Goji is a compact bush growing 3-6 ft. with long branches smothered in large plump, sweet black/ purplish fruits. Bushes produce so heavily all Summer that they may benefit from staking to help support the fruit laden branches. The berries begin green and turn dark purple when ripe. Their native habitat in high altitudes of China and Russia is pretty extreme. Once established they are pretty bombproof tolerating drought, poor soils and extreme cold. The bushes sport thorns to help protect from deer grazing.

The berries are so concentrated in OPC’s and resveratrol that a few berries will turn water purple.  Truly an amazing, unique and easily grown fruit. I encourage you to research the many benefits of OPC’s.

Ripe fruits can be used raw, cooked or dried.

Author: Stephanie Beach

Disclaimer: Due to the FDA & FTC laws on health claims, I’d like to make this very clear. None of the information in this post or on this site is to be construed as medical advice. I am not a doctor, I am simply sharing ideas, experience and knowledge I’ve acquired on my journey and quest for optimal health and longevity.
Statements/products discussed have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Everyone is different with unique needs and you should always consult you own health care practitioner before making changes to your current diet or before beginning any herbal or vitamin supplement regime or exercise program.

1 Comment

  • Jenn Lang Posted July 10, 2019 2:40 pm

    Fascinating, thank you!
    I have huge bags of dried red goji but have never even seen black. I will be on the lookout from now on

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