Nepeta × faassenii ‘Purrsian Blue’

Purrsian Blue Nepeta is a wonderful new introduction. Carefree beauty and incredibly long bloom-time. Bred to be more compact, rounded, upright, and tidy than other catmints. It doesn’t sprawl out as many other varieties do. Vivid sky- blue flowers with purple calyxes rise above aromatic gray-green foliage that attracts cats, but repels deer. Hence the common name Catmint, not to be confused with catnip which is a different plant. The name mint tends to scare people. It’s not actually a mint and it doesn’t spread like a mint. Fabulous bee and butterfly plant providing food all summer into fall. No garden should be without a Catmint. Drought tolerant once established. Pairs well to hide the knees of roses. Likes full sun Ht 18 “ Zone 3-8

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