Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Cherry Explosion’ (‘McKay’)

Sweet dwarf rounded selection with incredibly large cherry-red flowers encircling petite starry light pink and chartreuse centers. Highly reliable variety booming on old and new wood, which means even if flower buds suffer winter damage, it will still bloom. Very floriferous… One thing I really love about ‘Cherry Explosion’ Hydrangea is that the flowers engulf the rounded form top to bottom. Foliage takes on an elegant burgundy blush with cool fall temperatures.

Care of Hydrangea ‘Cherry Explosion’:

Light/Watering: ‘Cherry Explosion’ Hydrangea can tolerate full sun in the North with ample moisture, but benefits from afternoon shade to protect from scorching. In the South, plants require afternoon shade. Hydrangeas love regular water. Moist soils that do not dry out are best; do not plant in hot, dry, exposed sites. Mulch to conserve moisture and buffer soil temperatures.

Ph Flower Color and Fertilizing: For gardeners in lower growing zones 4-5 plant your hydrangea in a sheltered location with winter mulch. This will provide protection from winds and cold temperatures that can damage flower buds. Since, ‘Cherry Explosion’ Hydrangea blooms on old and new wood, northern gardeners can trim off winter damage and it will still bloom, unlike many older hydrangea varieties. Yay! Fertilize once in spring with a fertilizer designed to encourage blooms (such as 15-30-15)

Flower color is PH sensitive on ‘Cherry Explosion’. You’ll enjoy cherry- red flower color in alkaline soil or lavender tones in acidic soil. You can choose or just roll with what your soil offers. Both colors are beautiful!

Soil additives to adjust the soil Ph and change the color of your hydrangea: Epsoma Lime and Epsoma Soil Acidifier , Soil PH meter

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