Elaeagnus multiflora Goumi ‘Sweet Scarlet’

Goumis are one of the most productive fruiting bushes you can grow. A mature one can produce a whopping 15 lbs of fruit! They fix nitrogen which improves soil near fruit trees and gardens. They are a large deciduous shrub that can act as a screen. Tiny white bell flowers delight the bees and the sweet fragrance fills the garden. The berries are small, like an elongated currant, but sooo plentiful! They are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants and boast the highest lycopene content of any food known. Flavor is a combination of cherry, apple and black currant. Excellent in preserves, pies, wines or dehydrated and powdered as a nutritional supplement. Many studies suggest powerful prevention of heart disease and anti-cancer properties. I use them fresh in salads, dried for granola or to add to my dogs food as a health boost. Berries are red dusted with silver splotches.

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